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Reset Download Service

Reset Download Service

Increase your download period to 10 days.

Requires an account - free or subscription.

Add the service to downloadable games whose download period has expired.

Please archive your download file.  Doing this makes this service unnecessary.

Price: US$4.95
Availability: Immediate.
Shipping: Can ship worldwide.

The Gamers Front Reset Download Service allows registered users to reset their download period to 10 days.

User accounts that qualify for the service are:

  • Premium Account
  • Military Account
  • Student Account
  • Classified Account (subscription)
  • Elite Account (subscription)
  • Elite Plus Account (subscription)

Just add the service to any downloadable game whose download period has expired.

NOTE:  The Extended Download Service is not restriction free.  You are not allowed unlimited downloads.  Limits will automatically go into effect if the system determines that you are abusing the download service.  Please be aware that you should archive your game download.  Doing this makes this service unnecessary.

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