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Incoming! winSPMBT Version 5.0 Upgrade Strikes On Target!
Newest Upgrade Patch Available For Immediate Download!
Cary, NC, 31 March 2010
Fans of modern combined arms tactical combat will be pleased to learn that their turn-based game of choice, Camo Workshop's winSPMBT, has just been refitted to version 5.0. This exciting upgrade is packed with new content, gameplay enhancements, and the destruction of bugs.
The version 5.0 upgrade is applicable to both the free downloadable version and the Enhanced Edition (which can be purchased either as a physical product shipped to you or as an immediate download through the all new official Shrapnel Games e-store, the Gamers Front) of winSPMBT. It is important to note that if you have missed out on any of the previous upgrade patches you must download and apply the patches in numerical order. These are not comprehensive patches. Additionally, if you are currently playing in a secure PBEM game DO NOT upgrade until after the game is complete. Upgrading in the middle of a secure PBEM game will cause the game to fail.
The version 5.0 upgrade patch includes the following:
Besides everything listed above the 5.0 upgrade also includes many, many more changes. What follows is a sample of some of these changes, some of which will be familiar to players of winSPMBT's companion game, winSPWW2.
There are other changes to be found in the 5.0 upgrade, please check your electronic manual for the game that is found under its program group for a complete list of all changes found in the patch once it is applied.
winSPMBT begins where winSPWW2 ends. Featuring combined arms land warfare from 1946 until 2020 players can immerse themselves in a virtual tabletop world of tactical wargaming. Featuring both hexes and turn-based play, winSPBMT is the perfect PC game for anyone who grew up during the glory years of Avalon Hill and SPI and fondly recall Saturdays spent huddled around a dining room table pushing counters and computing combat ratios.
winSPMBT is for Windows and is available in both a fully featured free version and an Enhanced Edition for only $39.95. The Enhanced Edition allows higher resolutions (up to 1600x1200-gorgeous!-in both full screen and windowed modes), 250 PBEM save slots, separate map editor with cut and paste functions and twelve levels of undo/redo, encrypted secure tournament play, and encyclopedia sorting by class, type, and date. The Enhanced Edition comes in both a physical product and a download, with the physical product shipping with a printed quick-start guide.
To download the version 5.0 upgrade patch or to find out more information on winSPMBT please visit its official product page at Shrapnel Games:
For more great modern wargaming goodness please visit www.shrapnelgames.com for our complete catalog of exciting and award-winning independent titles including the complete family of modern warfare simulations from the masters of ProSIM. If World War Two is more your style be sure to check out War Plan Pacific and winSPWW2, while fantasy wargamers will enjoy Dominions 3: The Awakening. Titles are available as both physical and downloadable editions, and while most of our games are strictly for Windows we do also carry Mac and Linux friendly titles.
For press related information please contact Scott R. Krol by using the following form: www.shrapnelgames.com/forms/contact_shrapnel_games.html
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